Joy – The Magic Ingredient
I recently read an article written by Rachel of that prompted me to write about this subject and how it relates to how I intend to live my life and how I create jewelry. My main objective with creating jewelry is to bring joy into your life. I want you to feel inspired, loved and joyful when you wear my jewelry designs. The question is how do you choose joy over anger when times get tough and you are tired, stressed out and just overwhelmed? I used to be short, frustrated and sometimes angry more times than I want to admit. After reading books and some soul searching, I changed my outlook in life which in turn changed the way I was acting and thinking. I choose grace and joy in my everyday life. One of my favorite books on the subject is Grace not Perfection which talks about the same points as the article I mentioned in the beginning. Instead of chasing the perfect day and experiences, focus on what’s important and beautiful in the not so perfect days. Be present in the moment and enjoy the moments instead of thinking your to do list or trying to make things perfect. Focus on your family and see the joy in them. Embrace the love and joy and just enjoy the moment.
Ways to Find Joy
- De-clutter and let go of things that don’t bring joy. When you de-clutter your mind and the environment you allow room for positive thoughts.
- Start and end the day with positive thoughts.
- Let go of perfect and embrace messy and imperfect.
- Invest in dry shampoo. Sometimes perfectly made up hair is not in the stars for the day. Spray the roots with dry shampoo and call it a day.
- Learn to do a quick, 2 minute makeup to instantly help you feel more put together. All you need is a tinted moisturizer, blush, lipstick and mascara.
- Only purchase clothing and accessories that cultivate joy and make your daily routine of getting dressed easier and stress free. Go through your clothes and donate and throw away any times that don’t bring you joy when wearing them. Purchase new items but only if they bring joy and feel right.
- Enjoy the moments with your children and family. Only focus on them and the moment and forget about your to do lists. You’ll never be able to get this time back. Embrace the moment and feel the joy.
- Next time you are racing to get to the kids activities and you feel overwhelmed, just remember this time will pass and you will miss it someday. Enjoy the moment in the car together and connect with your children. Talk about their day. Play some music and listen to your children sign. Take it all in and just enjoy the moment. If you are going to be a few minutes late, it’s not the end of the world. It’s not worth the stress. Focus on having a great time with your children instead and take a deep breath. At the practice watch your child play and take it all in.
- Find a moment to unwind and fill your tank if you start to feel like you are losing it. Do your favorite de-stressing activity for 15 minutes or so and just take a moment to yourself. Clear your mind and refresh, even if it means having your children watch their Ipads or little TV. After you will feel so much better and ready to tackle the day and be in the present with your family.
- Learn to be selfish in a positive way. Put boundaries on toxic people and environments. If a person you follow on social media makes you feel icky, then unfollow them, even if they are a family member.
- Love yourself and let your inner light shine bright. Share your gifts with the world and don’t hold back. Find what your greater purpose in life is and cultivate it everyday day. Treat it like a garden that needs pruning, watering and fertilizing and take care of it regularly.
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